りんの日記(ブログ)Gentleman'z Club(ジェントルマンズクラブ) 新宿区歌舞伎町 キャバクラ

Gentleman'z Club / 新宿区歌舞伎町 キャバクラ


りんりんの日記 20200215

The saddest thing that I have ever done in my life has happened.
It was the most frightening thing.
My beloved partner died at the age of 18.
I cry every day.
I still can't accept his death.
I loved his smile.
I was very happy for the 18 years you were with me.
I can't believe he doesn't exist in this world.It's hopeless.
He is our precious family.It's part of me.
He gave me a lot of happiness.
He got older and needed nursing care,
but even so,
he was still lovable and happy just because he was alive.
Do you feel sad when I cry every day?
Will you be reborn and return to this world and become my family again?
I want you to run around healthy in heaven and live happily with your family there.
But I want you to come back.
I want to share my health.
I've always wanted to be with you.I can't stop crying when I think of you.
The world without you is very hard.
What should I do?
I still want to spend time with you.



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